where to put newborn during the day

Newborns are so tiny and fragile, it can be difficult to know where to put newborn when awake during the day. It’s important for your newborn to have a safe place that is comfortable and close by. You’ll want a spot that has lots of light, is easy to reach from any chair or couch in the room.

There are a variety of safe and comfortable places ideas for your newborn to take a daytime nap. Here are some of the most popular options if you are getting overwhelmed about where to put your newborn during the day

. We’ve put together some tips for where you can place your newborn during the day, depending on what you’re doing or who is around.

  1. Sleeping in a Sleeping Bag
  2. In living room? || Where to put newborn during the day?
  3. Tips on where to put your newborn during the day
  4. A day in the life with a newborn baby
  5. Mom’s Hacks for Baby Sleeping In Pram Overnight
  6. FAQS

Sleeping in a Sleeping Bag


If you are wondering where to put baby for daytime nap, you must know that they usually sleep well in a sleeping bag, which makes it easier for you to keep them warm. They can’t kick off the covers and they’re less likely to get cold. If your baby is premature or has low birth weight, speak to your health visitor or doctor before using a sleeping bag.

In living room? || Where to put newborn during the day?

If you’re watching TV or just hanging out with friends, your newborn can stay in the living room with you. Try to choose a spot near you that has plenty of light and is comfortable for both of you. You can put a pillow on the floor next to you so your baby can rest right next to you.

In this position, you can get up and walk around easily without disturbing your baby too much. It’s also easy to nurse from either side or reach down and pat or pick her up if she starts crying.

In the Kitchen  

If you’re cooking in the kitchen, you’ll want to put your newborn in a safe place where she can’t accidentally touch any hot pots or pans. The best spot is probably in a baby carrier close to your chest. That way, you can keep an eye on her and also continue cooking. If you’re not comfortable wearing your baby in a carrier, you can put her in a bouncy chair or swing in the kitchen so she’s right next to you.

At Grandma’s House

If you’re visiting your parents or in-laws, you can put your newborn in a bassinet or cradle. It may be helpful for an older grandparent to take turns holding the baby so that both of them get some time with her. If you don’t know where to put the baby when you’re out of the room, put her in a carrier and let your parents hold onto it. This is a good option because your newborn won’t be able to wiggle or roll away.

In the Car

If you’re driving, it’s safest to put your newborn in a car seat. You can either put her in the backseat next to you or in a carrier in the front seat. Make sure the straps on the car seat are tight and that your baby can’t move her head too far forward or backward.

Tips on where to put your newborn during the day

newborn during the  day

When you’re choosing a place to put your baby down during the day, avoid putting them down on soft surfaces like pillows and mattresses. This increases the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). A good place to put your baby down during the day is in their crib or bassinet.

Use a firm mattress

Use a firm mattress that is free from soft cushions. Provide easy access to an uncluttered, safe surface during waking hours when the baby is awake and when they’re not sleeping.

Do not use crib bumpers

Do not use crib bumpers, the baby’s head should never be raised due to the risk of suffocation. Some studies have shown that infant crib bumpers increase the risk of SIDS. These are not only unnecessary but also can be dangerous, especially if an infant is able to roll over or get their arms caught in the bumper’s fabric.

Let your baby  learn to fall asleep alone

Babies need to learn how to fall asleep alone. They will get tired of waiting for you and will eventually fall asleep on their own. Don’t touch your baby when they are falling asleep. You can pat them on the back or side before they go to sleep, but don’t tickle them or hold onto them too much while they’re falling asleep.

Appropriate light

Keep your baby’s room dark and quiet, if your baby’s room is too light or noisy, they might not be able to sleep soundly. Keep their room dark and quiet. This will help them to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Use a pacifier if needed

Babies find pacifiers comforting and they can help them to fall asleep. If your baby doesn’t want a pacifier, don’t force it on them.

A day in the life with a newborn baby


Being the mum of a newborn you might be searching for what to do with a newborn during the day, when it comes to newborns, there are lots of “dos” and “don’ts” for parents. One of the most important things you need to know is how to take care of your little one during the day. Here is a general guide on what a typical newborn baby’s daily routine might look like. 

Wake Up

If your baby has been sleeping through the night, she will probably wake up between 6 and 8 am. She may be hungry, so it’s time for her first feeding of the day.


Your baby will probably want to get feed every 2-3 hours, so you’ll be doing a lot of feeding during the day. If your baby hasn’t had a diaper change yet, go ahead and do that while she feeds.

Nap Time

Naptime is usually in the late morning or early afternoon. You can put her down for naps on the same schedule every day to help establish good sleeping habits. When it comes to nap time, consistency is key.


In the early evening, it’s time for some playtime. This is a great opportunity to bond with your baby and help her develop her motor skills. Choose activities that are age-appropriate and will keep your baby entertained.



Most babies don’t need a bath every day, so you can do this sometime in the evening. Just make sure to use a gentle soap and be careful not to get any water in her eyes or ears.


Babies usually go to bed between 8 and 10 pm. This may change as your baby gets older, but it’s a good idea to establish a bedtime routine and stick to it.

Parents in Western countries often put a newborn baby in a pram or crib at night, which is called “co-sleeping,” because it’s believed to have many benefits for babies and parents alike. Studies show that children who co-sleep also develop strong emotional relationships with their parents, and suffer from fewer respiratory infections. And the need for breastfeeding at night is lessened because mothers can nurse while co-sleeping.

Mom’s Hacks for Baby Sleeping In Pram Overnight 

Prams are high chairs for babies to sleep in them overnight. Prams give infants a comfortable, safe place to fall asleep at night time while you’re able to get on with other things. Manufacturers of baby prams claim that cribs and bassinets can only be used in daylight hours but the baby prams should stay with your child throughout the night. However, there are a few things you should consider before using a pram as an overnight sleeping solution. 

Mom’s Hacks for Baby Sleeping In Pram Overnight

How often will you be using the pram for this purpose? If it’s only occasionally, then it’s fine to use it. However, if you plan on using it every night, there are a few things to consider:

If your baby is too small for the pram then he/she could end up falling out of it or getting stuck. You need to make sure that the straps are adjusted correctly and that they’re secure around the baby’s body.

If your baby is used to sleeping in a cot or bassinet, it might be difficult for him/her to get used to sleeping in a pram. You might have to do some night-time weaning and gradually move your baby into the pram.

The last thing you want is for your baby to get used to sleeping in the pram and then not be able to sleep in a cot or bassinet when it’s time for them to move into their own room.

So, if you’re thinking to put your baby sleeping in pram overnight, make sure that you follow the correct safety guidelines and that you’re aware of the possible consequences. And, most importantly, remember to have patience – it might take a while for your baby to get used to sleeping in a pram.


Most babies are ready to move from a Moses basket to a cot at around six months old. It’s best for their bones to be strong. The average age is between four and six months old.Your baby may be ready earlier or later than this, so it’s important to follow your baby’s lead.

When you’re ready to move your baby, put the Moses basket on the floor next to the cot. Then, very gently take hold of your baby and place them in the cot. If they start to cry, give them a minute or two before going over to them. If they keep crying, they might not be ready to move and you should wait a few more weeks.

Certain articles of clothing work better at different times of the day. For instance, during hotter summer months it’s best to put babies in a light material with short sleeves, while during winter it’s best for babies to wear shorts or leggings under heavy garments.

Clothes for newborn babies to wear during the day are socks, t-shirts, vests/onesies, nappies or diapers, shorts or leggings, and light cotton dresses. Put your baby in only one layer more than they would wear indoors. If it’s cold, don’t forget a hat and mittens.

Bottom line

To sum up, as a new parent, it can be tough to remember everything you need to do during the day. But if you follow this general guide, you’ll be taking care of your newborn like a pro.

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