Can Newborn sleep with Pacifier Comprehensive Guide


Last updated on November 8th, 2022 at 01:54 pm

Pacifiers are a blessing for the parents of fussy newborns but the question is a pacifier safe option for newborns, this is the most common concern I have been used to listen while working in pediatrics, and the simple answer from our side is absolute “yes”.

Can newborn sleep with pacifier? Yes, newborns can sleep with pacifiers but with some safe practice. moreover, you can use a pacifier harmlessly for your newborn, In the West, about 75 to 85 % of children use pacifiers and it is absolutely fine if you start using them for your newborn at the proper age, utilize them appropriately and effortlessly enabled to get quit.

Studies show that there is a larger number 68% of infants who use pacifiers by the age of 4 months or above found a weight gain. There are some unclear associations between a baby’s growth and the use of the pacifier.

I can relate to this situation exactly when I was forced to practice binky with my firstborn, he was cranky all the time even after a feed, so I had no choice except to use it. Here in this blog post, you are going to have a comprehensive guide and all possible aspects related to newborn sleep with a pacifier.

sucking is the primary reflux of newborns and there is some fussy kind of infants who want to suck all the time instead of having a full tummy, in this case, new mums are blindly used to start breastfeeding or formula feeding either baby is hungry or not, but this is the right and tight when you need to figure out whether the baby is hungry or he/she needs to address their sucking habit.  

What is the right time to start the pacifier?

Well, it varies from person to person,

– In neonatology we start introducing a pacifier to the preterm babies when they reach 1 or 1.2-kilogram body weight, to develop a good sucking reflex.

– For term babies, you can start earlier if he/she is on exclusive formula feed.

– For term baby on exclusive mother feed should wait for almost 4 weeks to be able to differentiate the nipple.

Pacifier aids to develop mother feed, as per the “American Association of Pediatrics” study the stats 79% of the newborn pacifier offered were only mother fed 68 % were mother-fed who were constricted pacifiers.

Is it fine for the Newborn sleep with pacifier?

This is a fact that sucking helps newborns to fall asleep, most infants become fussy when they want to go to sleep, but not all.

They want something to suck in their mouth now is the time when the confusion starts, parents offer formula or breastfeeding over and over but the baby needs something else.

For this reason after feeding and a small interval of playing and awakening he/she is about to fall asleep for this reason you can offer a pacifier for a quick sleep. Learn more about where you should put newborns for a nap during the day.


Pros of pacifier during sleep

  • A pacifier may be used as a first-time soothing aid, as well as for easing the suck reflex.
  •  While the pacifier is often associated with a lower risk of SIDS, The use of a pacifier has been linked to a decreased risk of SIDS for infants. The periodic movement of the mouth while sucking keeps the baby in a lighter state of sleep, making them less likely to suffer from SIDS.
  • When your baby is sucking a pacifier, he or she is keeping their mouth open, preventing suffocation and rolling over. These risks can be reduced by ensuring that your child has a pacifier when they are sleeping on their stomach.
  •  This habit can be a useful tool in developing reflexes and breathing muscles, so it’s important to introduce a pacifier as soon as possible, If your newborn is using a pacifier, you should consider offering it to him or her while sleeping. A suck reflex is a natural reflex that develops over time.
  • If you are breastfeeding, it is important to wait until your newborn is 3 to 4 weeks old before giving him a pacifier. This is a good time to let your baby get used to the idea of having a pacifier for naps. You can even use it to calm your baby at night. In addition to being able to nurse your baby comfortably,
  • A dummy can be used to help your baby fall asleep. In addition to being soothing, a pacifier can also help you sleep better. Even though a pacifier may sound like a silly accessory, 
  •  This can be especially helpful when your baby has difficulty sleeping. In addition to reducing the risk of SIDS, a dummy can be used as a comforting method for your baby.

Cons of pacifier

  • The first considering con is to abandon this habit. Hence, You would love your peaceful nights while your newborn falls asleep immediately with the pacifier and bothers you only for feeding, but the real test starts when you want to cease the pacifier. 
  • Ugh, I bet you this is the real challenge for parents, and the bigger con. they are usually content with their pacifier. However, if your child begins to struggle with sleeping without it, you might want to consider stopping the pacifier. Many parents have problems with their children giving up pacifiers, especially if are badly used to them.
  • Although it may be tempting to let your newborn sleep with a pacifier, it is important to keep in mind that the pacifier is not a substitute for milk. It can make your baby less healthy and may reduce your supply of breast milk. As long as you use a dummy, a pacifier is a safe way to help your newborn fall asleep.
  • It can interfere with your newborn’s feeding. There are some disadvantages to using a pacifier for your newborn such as:
  • It can affect your baby’s dental health. It can cause misalignment of teeth and reshaping of the soft palate. Third, it can cause an increase in an ear infections.
  • Pacifiers can cause infections, While pacifiers are safe, it’s important to remember that babies need to be used properly.
  •  A pacifier can also break apart, and when this happens, the pieces of the nipple and guard can fall into the baby’s mouth and cause a choking hazard. It’s best to give your newborn a muttered nipple before he or she falls asleep.
Hygiene is two thirds of Health

For an instant cleaning of the pacifiers check these pacifier wipes below:

Munchkin Arm & Hammer Pacifier Wipes

The First Years Gumdrop Pacifier Wipes


Tips for using pacifier during sleep

  • The most important thing to do is to keep the pacifier clean and hygienic, this is possible that the pacifier slips out from the baby’s mouth numerously, but you need to keep it germ-free through boiling or any other method.
  • Give the pacifier mostly at sleeping time.
  • Start limiting the use as soon as possible.
  • While it is recommended that you offer a pacifier to your newborn when they sleep, you should never deny them the pacifier after he or she has fallen asleep.
  •  It should not be tied to anything in the crib or the baby’s shirt. During this time, your child is likely to be reliant on the pacifier as a source of comfort.
  •  The pacifier should not be attached to a string or other piece of clothing as this can pose a choking risk.

The best time to withdraw the pacifier is as early as possible because as the baby gets older it gets harder to quit, however, AAP recommends at the age of one year it should be discontinued.

How to withdraw a pacifier? 

Here are some tips for transitioning your child from a pacifier to without a dummy in a new sleeping situation. This way, you won’t lose their sleep.

Offering your baby other things in replacement of pacifiers like toys or fabric can cause introducing germs to their stomach which is not a safe practice.

You can slowly limit the Binky time, let suppose instead of keeping the pacifier throughout the night you can silently take off the soother from his mouth when he is in deep sleep.

Philips AVENT Ultra Air Pacifier, 0-6 Months

Philips AVENT Ultra Air Pacifier 0-6 Months

Tommee Tippee Ultra-Light Silicone Pacifier

Pacifiers Thermometer

The most convenient way to detect the body temperature of your infant is pacifier thermometers. Here is our top suggestion, which I hope you would love to take home for your kiddo.

Vicks Pacifier Thermometer

Final thought: 

Pacifiers are ok to be used for newborns during sleep, but you need to opt for some tips for their better use. Such as starting at the appropriate time just before sleep once the baby falls asleep gently take away the pacifier. Keep the soother clean and germ-free, as well as limit the time of offering. 

Parenting is all about having an experience first and applying it to the other because every child is different than others. Please Comment below on your journey of parenting.  

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